When we started developing the website, we read the posts of Rosane regarding Environment & Manking in our orkut community. She reflects the things so nicely that it is understood very easily by all. So, an idea came to our mind to present her knowledge and innovation through blogs by attaching it to our website. In this way, we can help lots of people (that is the mission of our group).

When we sent her a mail discussing this idea, we got a reply in a day. You yourself read her views on writing the blog:

"The peace I have today is different from the peace I’ve dreamed one day.
Only with time, have I learned that peace is to take responsibilities and fulfill them; is to have serenity in the most difficult moments of life.
Today I want to hear and speak words that build. I want to have the courage to cry or to smile whenever I feel like doing it...
I want to accept with humbleness that I don’t know everything, but I want to share the little I know.
I like to remember that nature is so exuberant exactly because the differences it shows in its creatures. Each one of us is special, on Earth, and we have the mission that the Divine Creator has entrusted us.
I want to bring: peace, joy and much news."

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"When we change, the world changes "

In this world there are so many questions about our future, the environment and humanity, the political and financial situation, the distribution of resources... You only need to pick up a newspaper to realize that the world is in a terrible situation. It's easy to become negative.
If I want to become negative I can find 1,001 reasons to be. If I allow all these factors influence me, then yes, it's like 1000 guns were pointed at my head, so I feel extremely negative.

Another factor is the people I am surrounded by, it is easy to be influenced by their negativity.

Think of the image of a lotus-flower. It is in dirty, stagnant water, but the lotus has a waxy substance on its petals and nothing can touch the surface, the dirt runs. I can create that layer of protection in me so that my inner purity and stability remain unaffected by outside influences.If I become aware that I am a light instrument, and let the light of awareness, wisdom and truth transform me, then, I become an instrument which brings light to the world around me.

In the state of negativity, there is much fear and ignorance.We need to see the positive side of the situation, because every situation teaches us something. They show us what we really are. The experiences make us grow to change and move forward in life. At some moments, we might feel confused but when we look back, we see everything that has been conquered, all the strength, the light, the growth, which is now part of us ...

And I finish with a poem adapted from the original of Berthold Brecht who says:

Don’t trust the most trivial,
simple in appearance.

Be suspicious about what everybody does,
what seems normal

Go deeper specially
into what is usual
Don’t take it as natural

nothing should seem natural
nothing should seem impossible to change.

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