When we started developing the website, we read the posts of Rosane regarding Environment & Manking in our orkut community. She reflects the things so nicely that it is understood very easily by all. So, an idea came to our mind to present her knowledge and innovation through blogs by attaching it to our website. In this way, we can help lots of people (that is the mission of our group).

When we sent her a mail discussing this idea, we got a reply in a day. You yourself read her views on writing the blog:

"The peace I have today is different from the peace I’ve dreamed one day.
Only with time, have I learned that peace is to take responsibilities and fulfill them; is to have serenity in the most difficult moments of life.
Today I want to hear and speak words that build. I want to have the courage to cry or to smile whenever I feel like doing it...
I want to accept with humbleness that I don’t know everything, but I want to share the little I know.
I like to remember that nature is so exuberant exactly because the differences it shows in its creatures. Each one of us is special, on Earth, and we have the mission that the Divine Creator has entrusted us.
I want to bring: peace, joy and much news."

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

UN Climate Conference in Cancún

The UN conference on climate change, inaugurated on Monday in Cancun (eastern Mexico), opened 12 days of discussing and intends to restore credibility to a process of international negotiations weakened by the failure in Copenhagen last year.

Army troops and police in Mexico, supported by three warships, part of the security arrangements around the hotel Moon Palace, a complex on the seafront, where is the conference to be held for the next 12 days.

The word Cancún means "golden snake", but there is no poison in this Yucatan paradise kissed by the sun. Mexico's most famous destination, Cancun delights with its incredible beaches with crystal waters and white sand: You can ride along the coast, diving free canoe in a reserve and swim with dauphins. Along with various bars and restaurants can be found.

But more than a walk on the beach, there are advances that must occur from now on in Mexico. Opened the meeting which follows the failure of COP-1, environmentalists charge seriousness in the work; despite being almost impossible to establish a legal and valid agreement in Cancun to limit temperature increasing to 2 ° C - considered by scientists as a relatively safe level.
U.S. and China are the two largest emitters of greenhouse gases, and charge each other more effective measures to reduce their emissions. A new failure in this year's conference will launch serious doubts about the future of the Kyoto Protocol, which stresses the importance of the market for carbon emissions as a form of control.

One possibility for global climate policy would be to extend the Kyoto Protocol, which requires reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases by developed countries.
The U.S., the largest emitter among developed countries do not participate in this treaty. The signatories say they would accept further reduce their emissions by 2020, replacing the use of fossil fuels by renewable energies, since the U.S. and large emerging economies like India and China, also assume the obligation to make reductions.
The big developing countries, however, argue that reducing emissions - and therefore power consumption - would undermine its efforts to combat poverty. They argue that rich nations have benefited from more pollutant emission, and therefore should bear the burden of fighting climate change.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Are we able to preserve the planet we live on?

Upon discovering a small island in the South Pacific, on Easter Sunday 1722, Dutch navigator Jacob Roggeveen felt impressed. Not by the beauty, because he had seen much more idyllic islands. What raised eyebrows were giant stone statues scattered around the island. 3600 km distant from the nearest continent, South America, and 2,000 km from the nearest island, Pitcairn, Easter Island is one of the most isolated spots on the planet. In the 150 years that followed, at least 53 more European expeditions reached the piece of land. The logbooks of explorers reported that, on each visit, unless those enormous figures were spotted in the distance: they were all being cut down. Until in 1825, the crew of an English ship did not find any more standing.
According to European explorers, the statues, called moai, seemed to witness a society in collapse. Roggeveen himself wrote in his diary: "The destroyed look could not give another impression beyond poverty and unproductive individuals." In the mid-18th century, the Rapanui people, who inhabited Easter Island, was already in decline.
Well before the arrival of Europeans, the island had experienced centuries of progress, with booming plantations and abundant food. At some point, however, something went very wrong. The population has grown too, the forests are gone, the soil was eroded, agriculture did not prosper more rapanui and villages went up in wars. For a large number of researchers, the collapse was caused by the careless actions of man over nature. No wonder that Easter Island is currently indicated as a kind of metaphor of Earth's future: what happened to the Rapanui is more or less what can happen to us.

The stone statues were built in honor of someone important to the clan who had died. Its strategic location - backs to the sea, looking for the village - that was for, right from the afterlife, the deceased continued to look for his people.

Between ages 11 and 14, the company Rapanui lived his glory days. The volcanic soil favored the cultivation of various foods. The efficient agriculture resulted in a growing population - estimated that the island once had 15 thousand people. Then the problems started. A greater number of people demanded that more areas were devastates. Planting on a large scale requires an open field, were other demands for wood for use as fuel and the structures of houses and boats.
The palm trees were used to build canoes that the islanders used at sea to fish an important item of their diet: dolphins. As the marine life around the island was not as abundant, only the most experienced fishermen, with their double canoes, could bring dolphins to the table. The meat of the animal was greatly appreciated, as well as seal and 25 types of wild birds. Guess how it was all cooked? With the burning of wood removed in the forests.
But not only was the food that caused deforestation. It was intensified by a dispute that has engulfed the island: The obsession with building moai. The different villages were creating ever bigger statues. The first moai, which would have been made around 1100, were between 2 and 3 meters tall. The highest put on an altar, carved some 300 years later, is 10 meters and weighs 82 tons. At the foot of the volcano Rano Raraku, where all the moai were built, there is a statue with more than 15 meters and about 270 tons, which was never completed.
But what do moai has to do with cutting down trees? The researchers, lead a moai from the volcano to a village and leave it standing up was a job that required lots of wood In addition, one quarter of the food of Rapa Nui was consumed in the production and transportation of the moai - activities that involved between 50 and 500 people each time.
As the palm trees were uprooted, a number of problems on the ground began to appear. "The farmland was exposed to sun, wind and rain. The soil was eroded and many villages were uninhabitable because nothing flowed around them. With the destruction of fertile soil, it is not difficult to imagine dramatic famines in Rapa Nui.
In a period of warfare between villages, when defeated members of a particular clan, the winners toppled the moai face down to the ground - the ultimate humiliation that could be made. The European expeditions that visited Easter Island helped to worsen the crisis, spreading epidemics and taking people as slaves.

The Rapanui people no longer exists because it was not able to preserve the island where they lived. Their legacy serves as a grim warning.

Are we able to preserve the planet we live on?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Scientists will drill the Dead Sea in order to study Climate Change.

DOSECC view of drilling on the Dead Sea, photographed on November 17, 2010. At the time of the photo equipment was ready to be towed to the location of the perforations, approximately 6 km to the northeast. 

About 40 researchers among Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians began the task of drilling the Dead Sea in search of the sediment and sludge that will reveal histories until 500,000 years ago. The samples will help to understand issues from the ancient Middle East geology, archeology to climate change on Earth.
The project that took a year to be approved by Germany will cost 2.5 million dollars and will last 40 days. The drill used in scientific research the world has the capacity to reach up to 1,500 meters deep.

The Dead Sea, actually a large lake of 402 square kilometers, is located in a valley surrounded by the West Bank, Jordan and Israel. Only do the river Jordan flows there, which causes the accumulation of sediment in the deep interior virtually intact over millions of years.
Read more about the Dead Sea and Jordan River on my post:  

The sludge withdrawn from 
 the Dead Sea will reveal through its layers of light and dark, ancient and recent periods of rainfall, droughts and floods and therefore the dominant climate on Earth and the effects of global warming .In the bed of the Dead Sea two layers of sediment accumulates each year.
Another interesting finding is the evidence of earthquakes where the sediment layers are not aligned.
For anthropology the study will help in the theories about the migration of primitive man, which many researchers believe have passed through the area of the Dead Sea basin.
In another aspect, the researchers want to understand the significant decrease in the lake has suffered in recent decades. The level of water it receives is slightly higher than evaporation and thus its level increases slightly. Today, we know that increasing the extraction of water from the Jordan River by Israel, Palestine and Jordan can be a major factor of it decreasing level of water.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Water, precious water ...

Water is an increasingly and precious topic of discussion worldwide. The irrational use and pollution from major sources (rivers and lakes) can cause a lack of fresh water very soon, if no action is taken.
Soon there will be a lack of water for irrigation in many countries, especially in poor countries. The continent hardest hit by water shortages are: Central Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The need for fresh water increased about two times more than the world population. This was caused by high consumption of water for industrial and agricultural areas. Unfortunately, only 2.5% of Earth's water is fresh water.

The main causes of deterioration of rivers, lakes and oceans are pollution and contamination by pollutants and sewage. Humans have caused all this damage to nature, through the waste, sewage, industrial waste and mining without control.
Aquifers (large underground reserves of fresh water) have already been explored. In South America, we have one of the largest aquifers in the world. Much of the water of this aquifer is located in the Brazilian underground.
Studies of the World Water Commission and other international agencies show that billions of people on our planet are living without the bare minimum of health conditions. Millions of persons have no access to drinking water. Given these serious problems, several diseases such as diarrhea, hepatitis and many others are spread.


According to the Center for Infectious Disease Control (CDC), based in Atlanta, United States, approximately 1.3 million Haitians are still living in relief camps after the January earthquake, hindering access to drinking water, health conditions and health care.
The first cases of the disease, transmitted through contaminated water or food, were recorded at the river Arbonite, in the north. Cases of cholera have been identified in all ten regions of Haiti. About 1,100 people have died from the disease last month. In total at least 17 000 cases of the disease have been recorded. It is necessary that the public be informed that the disease is treatable. Cholera causes diarrhea and vomiting, leading to acute dehydration. The disease can kill quickly, but is easily treated with antibiotics and hydration.
Simple measures can help us avoid the water-borne diseases:

 Bathe daily;
 Using the toilet;
 Wash hands thoroughly before and after using the toilet;
 Wash hands thoroughly before eating;
 Trim fingernails and keep them clean;
 Only drink water that has been filtered and / or boiled;
 Wash fruits and vegetables before eating them;

It is estimated that 76% of Haitians live on less than $ 3 per day and 50% have less than $ 1 a day. A bar of soap costs in normal times,   $ 0.50 in most markets and Haitians, for many families, washing hands turned a potentially fatal dilemma between using the little money to buy soap or buy food.

The head of the NGO Doctors without Borders in Haiti, the Italian Stefano Zannini, in a tone of relief and frustration in an interview last Wednesday, said that the workload is stressful. It is not easy to work with the smell, the noise and pressure of so many patients. He said they are working 24 hours a day and they are overloaded. Zannini also says none of the measures to contain the epidemic is meant to doctors. They depend on washing hands; have clean water and be provided by suitable target to corpses and human feces.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The religious festival of the sacrade ice in the Andes no longer uses the ice due to global warming..

Peru depends on the defrost water to nearly all of agriculture. Therefore, it is one of the most sensitive to climate change. The religious festival with 30,000 people in the Andes no longer uses the ice.

Tropical glaciers. 

The northern half of the highest mountain on the planet is so close to the equator that contains ice only on the top, more than five thousand feet above sea level, because of the cold air. But now, even at these altitudes, the air is warmer. And the Andean people already see their reserves of frozen water melting before their eyes. Scientists have warned that with the disappearance of glaciers there will be a shortage of water for the neighborhood and in the future in big cities.
Increased temperature also affects the volcanic activity, as in the case of Tungurahua (135 km south of Quito), who last August reached its peak eruptive since 1999.

In the Peruvian Andes, 800 years ago, the Inca raised their empire.
Changes in climate have always been decisive in the history of mankind. Now, also threaten the windows that allow us to look to the past. Machu Picchu, center of the Inca civilization, is already feeling the effects of changes in rainfall patterns.
The scientists' predictions are that this region will face more and more, periods of extreme weather, extended droughts, which destabilize the soil, followed by torrential rains, causing landslides.

As seen earlier this year, blocked roads, isolated villages, thousands of stranded tourists in the mountains; Machu Picchu custody evidence that the Incas were able to predict times of bad weather. They were able to predict a year of arrival of El Niño only watching the stars, one method that has been confirmed by modern astronomy.

The Incas:
The name El Niño is a reference to the Christ child because it occurs close to Christmas in some years, water from the Pacific coast of Peru, is warmer, causing changes in climate across the continent. People still enjoy the valley's water system deployed by the Incas. But from Venezuela to southern Peru, the tropical Andes are losing ice. The warming has changed the El Niño, a phenomenon that has always existed, but is more frequent and intense. And the consequence is that the rain fell and the heat increased which causes the glaciers melt much faster.

The ritual consists in climbing the mountains to search the holy ice above 5.000m above sea level. The problem is that this glacier ends at 5300 meters and is still shrinking. This, scientists say, means that in 20 years it will have completely disappeared, along with all the ice in the tropical Andes below 5400 meters.
People of all ages go through the darkness into the early morning light reveals the contours of the barren path, about 30 thousand people. It is the biggest pilgrimage of the native peoples of the Americas. Many others have turned cold night up there, on top of the glacier, talking. The topic: the meaning of life.
Until recently, all these confraternities descended bringing ice blocks, ice sacred, which was taken to the city of Cuzco to be blessed in another religious party, the Corpus Christi.

Only three years ago, have the brotherhoods realized that the ice before it reached the site had already collected more than a mile, uphill. Then, the withdrawal of the ice was prohibited so they could preserve what they have most sacred, that is water. And so the tradition does not accelerate a process that nature is already doing too fast. They haven’t heard this from scientists. They are seeing with their own eyes that the ice is decreasing.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Two huge bubbles that emit gamma rays have been found billowing from the center of the Milky Way galaxy

Gamma rays are the most energetic forms of light, and in space they tend to come from violent events such as supernovae or from extreme objects such as black holes and neutron stars.
Further studies will be required to get at the true nature of the energy source blowing the bubbles.

Reading this news I couldn’t help thinking of the Mayan cosmology which has already created such speculations among people even a movie on the subject, that by the way, has many flaws.

According to Mayan cosmology, the Earth has five major cycles or eras, each with about 5125 years. For them, four have passed. The four previous cycles ended in destruction. The Mayan doomsday prophecy refers to the last day of the 5th cycle, at 21 December 2012.
Every 26,000 years the Sun aligns with the center of the Milky Way. At the same time, there is another rare astrological phenomenon, a shift in the axis of the earth about the celestial sphere. The phenomenon is called precession.  Due to disturbances in the sun's magnetic fields that generate huge solar storms will affect the polarity of our entire planet. Result: The geomagnetic field will reverse at once, with catastrophic consequences for humanity.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Have you ever stopped and wondered why you should recycle?

Today, with time dwindling, a lot of times we forget to do basic things in our lives that perhaps can reflect negatively over the years.
The amount of trash and other things that we daily waist is immense, that’s why we must have the goal of recycling and reusing materials.
Many are the benefits of recycling such as energy saving, greater preservation of natural resources, reduction of waste land filled, reduction of environmental impacts among others.

Have you ever stopped and wondered why you should recycle?

1 – Because we help prevent waste of valuable stuffs discarded;
2 - We avoid waste that will pollute our natural resources;
3 - Maintenance costs are reduced and landfills, whose costs are supported by our taxes, are not    created.
4 - We avoid deforestation and loss of ecosystems;
5 - We reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere and the greenhouse effect.

Mother Earth

"I am the earth, I am life.

Came the tree and came the source;
Came the fruit and came the flower.
I am the original source of all life.
I'm the ground that attaches to your house.
I'm the reason of your life.
You came to me by the hand of the Creator
and will you return to me at the end of the deal.
Only you and I shall find rest and peace
I am the great Universal Mother, 

Your daughter, your bride, woman and the womb that fruitful.
I am the plot, the pregnancy, I am love.
Your plow, your sickle, your ax…
I am the cradle of your little son…
…The cotton in your clothes
and the bread of your home.
And one day far away you will return to me.
And in the bed of mother earth peaceful you’ll sleep.
Let's plant a garden.
Plow the farmland.
Let us take care of the nest and the cattle, 

abundance we shall have
And site owners will finely win the battle.”

Friday, November 12, 2010

"everything is worthwhile if the soul is not small"

A very small grain of beans were among the others, for the same purpose, taken by the conformism that his end would be cooked in the pan and served to satisfy the hunger. A glorious destiny, by the way, to satisfy the hunger of someone does not cease the sublimity , but he would be one more grain among many, many others who would have similar fate. 

One day the beans had an idea, brilliant idea, thought, dreamed and decided to be different and no longer have a finite destination, a destination that would end there, at the plate, among the others, he decided he wanted to be sown on land, but not any land, he was seeking for fertile land, healthy, and that would give him hope of a different fate.

He dreamed, he dreamed, he dreamed ... Endless ideas emerged, he was creative, however, felt alone, because he realized how hard it is "trying" to change what is already written, what it was pre-destined, the new often intimidates, frightens. He felt so bold about facing it!

The beans, which only stubborn, faced terrible obstacles, the relentless rain, the freezing cold, scorching heat, most cruel winds, however, was not deterred, then did something extraordinary happened on a bright sunny morning, the gentle breezes, found his object of desire, a land cute, cool, appearing to be waiting for that small bean, the tiny and fearless small bean, at first thought - "More than I've daydreamed!"After a few seconds, the beans felt that there was another of his dreams coming true, the soft earth in front of his eyes was so real that he had no doubt ...

He threw himself into the midst of the earth, thinking of nothing and spent a few days ... Flowed strong and full of life and hopes to produce, produce, and was infinitely so in a quiet spring evening, warm bean sprout that he was showered with a clear, cold water, showered with love and affection and was sure it was worthwhile the penalty ... 

Well, the bean, is all of us, in our journey in search of professional and personal growth.
Do not give up, dream, the dream makes life truly lived the impossible happens and comes true, "but dream a lot, be creative, bold, do not be daunted by the loneliness, the obstacles, just walk and get faith, persevere, believe and one day you will be like beans, bean witch wanted sprout, he wanted to produce, not just be one more in a crowd.
So, your dreams will flourish on a beautiful sunny morning with a gentle breeze touching your face, which will be watered with care and love and you will be assured that "everything is worthwhile if the soul is not small"

Monday, November 8, 2010

Food production must rise 70% by 2050, according to FAO

One in six people worldwide suffers from hunger and every five minutes a child dies from malnutrition.
It's the hunger that hurts and kills!

The representative of United Nations Food and Agriculture Organizations( FAO), Helder Mutéa, said that the population will grow from the current 6 billion to 9 billion people in 2050. In order to everyone has access to food, the food supply needs to increase 70% to the current level over the next 40 years.
Mutéa believes that increased production with less investments will be required. He warns, however, that the need for a sustainable growth for food production, otherwise the ecosystems will be compromised.
One of the most important issues is focused in the controversial issue of environmental preservation. This problem can be analysed since the beginning of the exploitation of natural resources for industrialization till present day. The lack of a management strategy that exacerbates environmental variable, involves the entire production cycle to disposal of waste.
The major focus of current food security according to Mutéia, is more focused on Sub-Saharan Africa and some Asian countries. The estimated number of hungry in the world in 2009 was 1.023 billion people. Today there are 925 million suffering from chronic hunger.
These numbers doesn't estimate the impacts of floods in Pakistan nor the prolonged drought that affected agricultural production in Russia.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Countries sign deal to protect biodiversity and share gains

Environmental damage costs between U.S. $ 2 billion to $ 5 billion a year, study says.
Representatives from more than 190 countries meeting in Nagoya, Japan, approved a historic agreement that, if implemented, should address threats to biodiversity by 2020 and divide the proceeds by better exploitation of the genetic material of nature.
Major final decisions of the 10th meeting of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, its acronym in English) is a protocol about how to divide the benefits represented by biodiversity (in English, Access and Benefits Sharing, or ABS) and an action plan to protect endangered species by 2020.
The estimate is that rich countries open their coffers by 2012 to guarantee about $ 200 billion per year in investments in biodiversity conservation. The funds should be released in time for the second Earth Summit to be held in 2012 in Rio de Janeiro.
It is unclear, however, where this money should come, since many rich countries are in crisis and have already committed in December last year to raise about $ 100 billion per year to combat the effects of climate change.
The signatories have now a period of two years to establish how the new funding will be made.

The value of biodiversity in each country must also enter the public accounts, to enable the calculations that will guide international investments.
This measure was considered a major breakthrough, since for the first time links the biological diversity of nature to the economy.
Already named the ABS is crucial to protect countries call biopiracy, the record made by industries such as pharmaceuticals - mostly based in developed countries - the substances taken from beings found in other regions.
The deal closed provides for the payment of royalties for intellectual property to countries of origin of the material.
After intense negotiations, particularly on ABS, the agreement was praised by environmentalists.
"The protocol of Nagoya is a historic achievement, which ensures that the value often vast genetic resources be more fairly divided," said Jim Leape, director general of the WWF.
Among the decisions of Nagoya is also a goal of protecting 17% of the areas on land, which until 2010 was 13%.
The environment ministers also agreed to protect 10% of marine and coastal areas, including the high seas.

Monday, November 1, 2010

True love waits !

Once, I was told about the pain of a father, a doctor, most renowed pediatrician. The doctor has helped many children. He has lost count of the kids heald in the good medicine he practiced. As time went by, he came to find himself able to attent any event and any children. A day came that his five years old sun, fell ill. The pediatrician father did the best he could, however, he could not find a cure for his sun. There was left for him only love, hope, sorrows and faith.
He had to leave his child in the hands of a specialist and prayed: He waited, trusted, loved.

The specialist did good and after some months of struggle the father saw improvements. His happiness was immense and he thanked the fellow , taking his son in his arms he praized God. The fruits of love as waiting had been harvested.
So many times we feel exactely like that,we are doctors, but our medicine won't heal.
Amongst all kinds of love, there is one able to teach us a lot. Love that waits.
It happens when the person who loves is powerless facing the choices of the loved ones. Of course that in the case of the little boy, he didn't choose become sick, but many times our choices lead us to unknown paths. True love waits.It is many times made of silent pain, for those who are called to respect the freedon of the loved ones.
Let me explain: How many are the situations where, as much as the results are foreseen , we can do nothing?
How many times if it depended on us,everything would be done to prevent that a loved one got hurt or lost along the way?
But we know by the power of love itself, that, sometimes, there is nothing we can do.We can only hope and wait in silence. Understanding waiting is a sign of maturity.
Here we have the dinamism of true love. Love that waits all the time, endures all the things. A love that will never come to an end; the kind of love that compel us, in faith, to light a candle to illuminate the unawear shadow that don't alow us to see the light of God in times of obscurity.
Maturing love is also accepting the powerless of those who loves facing the decisions of the loved ones ; love that grows and flourishes accepting our supposed weakness, because that's how we feel : Weak. For the good of the another we bow before the freedom of those who had made the choices: Bad or good ones.
Actually, this atitude shows our strenth, because we are able to wait in the window of life in confidence.