When we started developing the website, we read the posts of Rosane regarding Environment & Manking in our orkut community. She reflects the things so nicely that it is understood very easily by all. So, an idea came to our mind to present her knowledge and innovation through blogs by attaching it to our website. In this way, we can help lots of people (that is the mission of our group).

When we sent her a mail discussing this idea, we got a reply in a day. You yourself read her views on writing the blog:

"The peace I have today is different from the peace I’ve dreamed one day.
Only with time, have I learned that peace is to take responsibilities and fulfill them; is to have serenity in the most difficult moments of life.
Today I want to hear and speak words that build. I want to have the courage to cry or to smile whenever I feel like doing it...
I want to accept with humbleness that I don’t know everything, but I want to share the little I know.
I like to remember that nature is so exuberant exactly because the differences it shows in its creatures. Each one of us is special, on Earth, and we have the mission that the Divine Creator has entrusted us.
I want to bring: peace, joy and much news."

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"When we change, the world changes "

In this world there are so many questions about our future, the environment and humanity, the political and financial situation, the distribution of resources... You only need to pick up a newspaper to realize that the world is in a terrible situation. It's easy to become negative.
If I want to become negative I can find 1,001 reasons to be. If I allow all these factors influence me, then yes, it's like 1000 guns were pointed at my head, so I feel extremely negative.

Another factor is the people I am surrounded by, it is easy to be influenced by their negativity.

Think of the image of a lotus-flower. It is in dirty, stagnant water, but the lotus has a waxy substance on its petals and nothing can touch the surface, the dirt runs. I can create that layer of protection in me so that my inner purity and stability remain unaffected by outside influences.If I become aware that I am a light instrument, and let the light of awareness, wisdom and truth transform me, then, I become an instrument which brings light to the world around me.

In the state of negativity, there is much fear and ignorance.We need to see the positive side of the situation, because every situation teaches us something. They show us what we really are. The experiences make us grow to change and move forward in life. At some moments, we might feel confused but when we look back, we see everything that has been conquered, all the strength, the light, the growth, which is now part of us ...

And I finish with a poem adapted from the original of Berthold Brecht who says:

Don’t trust the most trivial,
simple in appearance.

Be suspicious about what everybody does,
what seems normal

Go deeper specially
into what is usual
Don’t take it as natural

nothing should seem natural
nothing should seem impossible to change.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The wealth and the poverty

One day a very rich man invited his son to join him and know the needs of other poor families.They spent a day and a night in a shed of a simple family.

When they came back from their trip, the father asked his sun:
-could you realize the difference between how we live and how they live?

The son replied:- Yes daddy. Really huge difference: I saw that we have one dog and they have four. We have a swimming pool that goes to the middle of the garden and they have a beautiful stream that has no end. We have a balcony all lit up with lamps and decorated with potted plants and they have the stars, the moon and all the forest around them. Our backyard goes until the entrance gate while theirs expands as far as the eye can see.When the little boy had finished speaking, his father was amazed by his views and realized he’s never thought like this before.The boy added:

- Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are!

Moral: Everything depends on how we look at things. If we have friends, love, health, good humor and positive attitudes towards life, we have everything; otherwise we will only have money.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


A distant whistle is heard, until the colorful explosion occurs. The dark sky is decorated with blue stain, red sparks, gold stars and silver rain; white lights such as lightning and sounds that mimic lightning.

This spectacle could well have happened on the anniversary of a city, a World Cup’s final,in a festival or at the entrance of the New Year. After all, the firecrackers are older guests in great celebrations, since the Chinese, inventors of gunpowder; started using colored bullets mortar, about 1000 years ago, to announce victory in war.

But behind all that beauty lurks danger. One in ten people who deal with fireworks have lost limbs, especially fingers. In addition to cause burns when they explode, firecrackers also cause mutilations, eye damage and deafness.

In the months leading up to Diwali festival, thousands of illegal fireworks factories are set up across India. In October 2008, 18 people died including 8 children, as many of these factories employs children in poor security conditions.

Some safety precautions:
• Do not hold fireworks in your hands.
• Fasten the rocket in a frame on a fence or a wall, and don’t be around at the time of lighting.
• Don’t light fires that fail.
• Shoot fireworks only outdoors, one at a time and see if there are no flammable substances or electrical networks nearby.
• Keep a container of water nearby to put the crackers used, or those that failed, so that there’s no risk of further explosions.
• Always check the warranty of the crackers.

Panchtatva is saying no to firecrackers!

Celebrate consciously!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Street lighting pole 100% powered by wind and solar power.

The mechanical engineer Fernandes Ximenes, owner of Gram-Eollic, developed the first public lamp post 100% powered by wind and solar power.
Clean technologies - those that don’t burn fossil fuel - will be the planet's future when the issue is power generation; solar and wind generation comes out ahead, representing important slices in the energy matrix of various European countries including Spain, Germany and Portugal, besides the United States and also those who had foreseen this reality, when there were only theories, and prepared to produce energy without harming the environment. In Ceara, one of the places in the world with the greatest energy potential (clean), and blessed by nature, aims to show that the state is capable of developing technology.

With models from 12 to 18 feet tall (made of steel), what draws the most attention in the device, technically called Independent Power Producer (IPP) is the presence of a plane on top of the pole.
Made of carbon fiber and aluminum special - same material used in commercial aircraft - the number is three meters long and, in fact, is the key piece of the pole hybrid. Ximenes said that the shape of plane was not chosen by chance. The choice is due to its aerodynamics, which facilitates the capture of sunlight and wind. "Moreover, as an airplane, the pole is safer. There are two sources of energy feeding the same time, can be installed in every major city of Brazil and the world," he explains.

Technically, the wings are home solar cells that capture infrared and ultraviolet rays by means of silicon (chemical element that is the main component of glass, cement, ceramics, most semiconductor devices and silicon), transforming them into electrical energy (up to 400 watts), which is stored in a battery affixed to a few feet below. Delivering the same task of generating energy, are the propellers of the plane. Just as the nacelles (blades) of large wind turbines around the coast of Ceará, energy (up to 1,000 watts) is generated from these rotating blades.

A pole with a "plane" - actually a generator - is able to produce energy without generator and two others with six lamps (LEDs more efficient and more environmentally friendly, since it does not use mercury, as CFLs) 50,000 hours of life day and night (about 50 times more than the lamps currently in operation, as the brightness, the LEDs are eight times more powerful than conventional ones). The capture (light and wind) the plane is made on an axis with 360-degree turn, according to the wind direction.
The project can be seen in the Iracema’s Palace, where it undergoes testing. According to Ximenes, in the coming months there should be an understanding between his company and government. His intention is to put the discovery into squares, avenues and highways.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The “Sun & Wind" age

Continuous research and development in the field of alternative energy could result in a new era in human history, in which two sources of renewable energy - solar and wind power - will become the main sources of energy on Earth.
This trend is expected to grow further for a period of 10-30 years, followed by a rapid decline in consumption of fossil fuels.
Two challenges have been created: the global threat of energy shortages and global warming and its consequences.
The continuity of scientific and technological progress is essential to create alternative energy sources that are abundant, affordable, safe, clean and free of carbon.

Solar Cells:

Have you seen calculators without battery? They are good examples of using solar cells. They can also be seen in much larger solar panels, boards or public emergency phones on highways. There are solar cell arrays on satellites, to supply electrical systems.

Wind Energy:

It can be difficult to consider it so, but the air is a fluid like any other, except that its particles are in gaseous form instead of wet. When air moves quickly, in the form of wind, these particles also move quickly. This motion means kinetic energy, which can be captured as the energy of moving water is captured by a turbine in a hydroelectric plant.

 In the case of a wind turbine, the turbine blades are designed to capture the kinetic energy contained in wind. The rest is almost identical to what happens in a hydroelectric power: when the turbine blades capture wind energy and start moving, they spin a shaft that connects the rotor hub to a generator. The generator turns that rotational energy into electricity. Fundamentally, generate electricity from wind is just a matter of transferring energy from one place to another.

The “the Sun lamp & Wind age" replacing the "oil age".

Do you agree that governments should go for other sources of energy instead of using fossil fuels?
Share your views in our forum: http://panchtatva.in/Question%20Forum.shtml?forumID=2869078&page=1

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How do you use your intelligence?

The world feels the power of the Internet on their lives. The worldwide network is present in all aspects of our virtual or actual day-to-day life and its tools are essential to our work, obviously and unfortunately the crime could not be left out.
We cannot deny that the logic of the virus is incredible and fantastic. Some time ago a virus equipped with the latest generation of codes with high-level programming called Sircana became as famous as Madonna. The logic of the virus would enter your machine through infected messages, infecting other machines that were connected to the network and, worst of all, stealing documents and sending them to other people with the appropriate contamination.
The use of human intelligence for evil is impressive. But Why is the propose to destroy, invade, and even harm the other?
Mankind lives with this question since the advent of the planet and every step of evolution. Would not be this man’s power exactly the cause of so much inequality now also in virtual worlds?
Then comes the intelligent lazy good ones; If some use their intelligence to spread evil, many intelligent people fail to do good by pure and simple laziness:
- I don’t have time!
- I can’t! For this reason or for that one ... Whatever. I just can’t!
- I'm afraid!
While the good people do nothing, the bad ones follow without laziness: always innovating, creating opportunities where we couldn’t even imagine was possible.
So friends, we must ask ourselves if we use our intelligence in the service of the good or the evil, or if we simply don’t use our intelligence!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ecosystems threatened by global warming

Joseph Torres, a scientist and a biologist at the South Florida University, led an expedition to Antarctica to study the effects of climate change on marine animals in the region. Temperatures in Antarctica have risen up 5°c. In cold weather, the ice appears before the normal period and melts soon."Gradually, all ecosystems will be affected by global warming," said Torres. He said the problem is not limited to an increase in temperature, there are other issues:

For example, if we think of human beings, we know we're used to the daylight and the dark of night, some days are shorter than others, the temperature sometimes rises and sometimes falls etc ... "But if these factors change abruptly, we will have problems,” explains Torres.

The penguins mostly inhabit the Antarctic and other polar regions. However, there are species that live in the tropics, for example, on the island of Galapagos. Precisely those are species mostly at risk of extinction. Many fish cannot change the region and do not reach the areas inhabited by penguins, which eventually die of starvation.

Research shows that the species of the Galapagos Islands may be extinct within this century. The penguins that inhabit the African continent were also classified as endangered.

Global warming also contributes to the reduction of glaciers, a factor that hinders the very survival of the animals that inhabit the Polar Regions.

Another problem caused by human action is the oil spill on the craft, which infect and cause death to many animals.

In photos taken between 6th and 7thJuly by NASA’s scholars an area of approximately 4.3 square kilometers dropped overnight, causing the glacier receded about 1.6 km -equivalent to an average calculated for the last two years.

This event may be considered unusual because it happened in a string of hot summer, when the sea was not frozen in the bay nearby. This ocean warming is responsible for the observed melting in Greenland and Antarctica and caused by global warming.

The ice melted between the 6th and 7th July went straight to the ocean, because the area was at the meeting of the glacier to the ocean. Sea level rises due to climate change, the beaches are disappearing.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bangladesh is an example in sustainable infrastructure and technology

One of the poorest countries in the world has given an example of sustainability to major world powers. Bangladesh has many problems, and for years, suffered from floods and other disasters caused by human interference in nature. These things serve as a lesson for the country to realize that sustainability is not a luxury, it is matter of survival.

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, has become an example of low carbon, consumer awareness and green technology. Since 2002 the use of plastic bags is banned in the city. In place of the population uses eco bags made of cloth or jute.

The city has 13.5 million inhabitants, and before the law banning plastic bags come into force, was dropped from 9.3 million bags daily. The city suffered two major floods in 1989 and 1998 that were attributed to these hazardous bags. Even today, the streams pass through decontamination to remove these residues.Even if Bangladesh does not have an exemplary structure, has a chaotic traffic, lack of sanitation and public transportation, the country is a reference in sustainable issues.
Today, they export the green bags to USA, Japan and Europe, virtually the entire national fleet is fueled by natural gas and the country is an example in wind energy. Only 38% of the population uses electricity produced by power plants, the rest uses only solar energy. Moreover, Bangladesh has an advanced system for recycling rainwater.
The government has almost no involvement in the transformation occurred in the country. The acquisition of sustainable standards and the improvements that this transformation provided are credited to the effective work of NGOs and institutions that make up the third sector.
Bangladesh received a Nobel Peace Prize for creating green kits, which come with three fluorescent lights, a refrigerator and a television, and are sold at $ 250.

Another highlight is a school made entirely of bamboo, which makes the most of natural lighting and cooling.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Water messengers

Mazaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, has been conducting a worldwide research on the effect of ideas, words, and music upon the molecules of water. Different samples of distilled water showed different formations.
With the work of Emoto, we have factual evidence that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music affect the molecular structure of water, the same water that comprises 70% of the human body and covers the same percentage of our planet. Water is the source of all life on this planet and its quality and integrity are vitally important to all life forms. The body is like a sponge and is composed of trillions of cells containing liquids. The quality of our life is directly linked to the quality of our water. The descriptions below are taken from the book of his published results:
  • Water from clear mountain springs and streams has beautifully formed crystalline structures, while the crystals of polluted or stagnant water are deformed and distorted.
  • Distilled water exposed to classical music takes delicate, symmetrical crystalline shapes.
  • When the words "thank you" were taped to a bottle of distilled water, the frozen crystals had a similar shape to the crystals formed by water that had been exposed to Bach's "Goldberg Variations"- music composed out of gratitude to the man it was named for.
  • When Elvis Presley's "Heartbreak Hotel" was played to water, the resulting frozen crystals were split in two.
  • When water samples are bombarded with heavy metal music or labeled with negative words, or when negative thoughts and emotions are focused intentionally upon them, the water does not form crystals at all and displays chaotic, fragmented structures.
  • When water is treated with aromatic floral oils, the water crystals tend to mimic the shape of the original flower. At left, water crystals were exposed to aromatic essence of chamomile.

After verifying that the water reacts to different environmental conditions, pollution, music, Emoto and colleagues decided to see how thoughts and words affect the formation of crystals in distilled water, untreated, using words typed onto paper and glued to the part out of water bottles overnight. The same process was conducted using the names of deceased individuals. 
The waters were then frozen and photographed. 
Sometimes, when we cannot see the immediate results of our prayers and affirmations, we think that we have failed. But, through Masaru Emoto's amazing photographs,failure itself becomes represented in the physical objects that surround us. Now that we have seen this, perhaps we can begin to realize that even when immediate results are invisible to the unaided human eye, they are there. When we love our own bodies, it responds. When we send our love to the Earth, it responds.

Do you believe that our thoughts, feelings and actions are able to affect everything around us?
share your views at:

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bill Gates speech: 11 rules your kids did not and will not learn in school

Whether you like Bill Gates or not...this is pretty
cool. Here's some advice Bill Gates recently dished out
at a high school speech about 11 things they did not
learn in school. He talks about how feel-good,
politically correct teaching has created a full
generation of kids with no concept of reality and how
this concept sets them up for failure in the real

Life is not fair - get used to it.

The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world
will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel
good about yourself.

You will NOT make 40 thousand dollars a year right out
of high school. You won't be a vice president with
car phone, until you earn both.

If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a
boss. He doesn't have tenure.

Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your
grandparents had a different word for burger flipping
called it Opportunity.

If you mess up,it's not your parents' fault, so don't
whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as
they are now. They got that way from paying your bills,
cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about
how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest
from the parasites of your parent's generation, try
delousing the closet in your own room.

Your school may have done away with winners and losers,
but life has not. In some schools they have abolished
failing grades and they'll give you as many times as
you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the
slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get
summers off and very few employers are interested in
helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.

Television is NOT real life. In real life people
actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Scientists use jellyfish for generating solar energy.

Swedish researchers have discovered how to use green fluorescent protein (GFP) of jellyfish species Aequorea Victoria to generate solar energy.
The protein is injected into a substrate of silicon dioxide, between two electrodes. When ultraviolet light focuses on the circuit, GFP absorbs photons and emits electrons, generating an electrical current.
As a clean source of energy, behold a good solution. However, controversy is the decision of using animals for this purpose.Scientists argues that there is currently an overpopulation of jellyfish, since they breed more in the oceans with the greatest degree of toxicity and acidity, as we have now, due to the high concentration of carbon on the planet. In the Sea of Japan, for example, they have adapted to the high level of pollution of the area and now have become pests.
To the researchers, if we used the excess of jellyfish to produce clean energy, we would be cutting down carbon emissions and therefore we could shift the balance between lives in the oceans. Within this context we fall into the old question: to what extent man has the right to interfere in the lives of other living beings?

With the sun, wind, tides and all other sustainable energy sources we have on our planet, should we take the life of other animals?

Does this excess of jellyfish in the ocean, did not happen exactly by an imbalance that we human beings cause?

What do you think? Is it worth the use of animals in scientific experiments?

Share your views in the forum:


Thursday, September 9, 2010

“The rings of the cans” A treasure or a myth? Part III

Now that we already know what is better for recycling the cans and its rings, it’s time for us to know what to do with the rings saved.
Each day more things made with recycled products become more beautiful and modern.

Look at this lamp, made from the rings of the aluminum cans. Creative idea and it deserves to be spread.

Fashion also uses rings for the manufacture of many parts, this way you will be reusing the rings and still looking stilish.
To make money by selling the rings from cans may not be a good idea, many brands use the rings from cans just to promote themselves.
But you can use your imagination and creativity to create more environmentally friendly products.
Take part at the forum on this subject. Do you know someone who bought the rings from cans or has participated in a campaign to replace them with a wheelchair or other products?
your opinion is important, for us.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

“The rings of the cans” A treasure or a myth? Part II

This is the second part of the series of three.

Calling an expert in the subject he quickly sent me necessary information: "When you take the ring out of the can, it is difficult to recycling because ...

1 - Due to the small size, many of them are lost before reaching the place where they will be recycled.

2 - In the recycling process of the can, they are sieved and the chance of loose rings that end up going along with sand / soil cleanup is bigger.

3 - It Increases the chances of reducing the yield of recycling in the ovens, that’s because as the league which is made the ring contains a high content of magnesium and magnesium have higher oxidation potential than aluminum, if it (the ring) is not along with the can, it makes it easier its oxidation in the oven.

4 - Because the aluminum alloy recycled can only be used to make the body of the can and have magnesium content lower than the rings, using only the ring in the recycling process it can contaminate the already recycled aluminum, because the magnesium content is above the requirements so the material gets contaminated or "out of specifications. "

5 - For the above reasons, the aluminum rings, when sold separately, have a lower market value than the whole cans that’s why it is less worth it!

Worse than the above reasons, it is the frustration of having the can in hand, extracting the ring, saving it and then discovering that it doesn’t worth more than the can, instead, with less cans you get the same amount of money. If the intention is to help someone to have a wheelchair, know that joining the cans with rings, you will need 6020 cans, but to achieve the same wheelchair only with rings, you will need 286,667 of them! With 70 cans you’ll have 1kg. To have 1kg of rings you’ll need 3333 rings!

" After writing this "chronic," I feel lighter, seems to me as if I had exorcised the ringlet and accepted the fact that the "urban legends" are part of any society where people need to believe in something that somehow will improve their lives, even if only as a dream.

Our duty is to inform, clarify. So, I ask everyone (now that we have all the information necessary) to help spread "the truth" about the rings from cans.
In next post I will provide good tips on how to reuse the rings.

To be continued…

Monday, September 6, 2010

“the rings of the cans ” A treasure or a myth?

It all begins in a dark wood, I face serpents and dragons, I fight against wild leap for over cliffs and swim against violent currents of rivers. Finally, after countless adventures, I come to a cavern, and dribble giant spiders to reach the dreamed and sweaty treasure. There it is: That huge trunk, like those on movies. I'll go running, and reach the solution for my problems (at least financially). I open the trunk and there they are: the rings of the cans! Thousands, millions! "I'm rich! I'm rich!”
The alarm Rings, waking me up to the feeling that this question haunts me.

Yes, friends, a dream! The first symptom of paranoia in someone who gets hundreds of e-mails from people who have saved "a bottle filled with rings "and will" replace it "for money”. I answer the e-mails the more informative as possible:

"Dear Joe, the rings are made with the same aluminum as cans and that’s why they have not differentiated value, etc, etc ...", already knowing that, while reading the message, the person, suspicious, will think, "I know ..." But, curiously, I begin wonder the "fascination" that causes this little part of the cans.Of course I thought:”this is Brazilian stuff!
I was wrong. In my research in internet I’ve found out that the “evil” is worldwide:
In Norway, for example, it’s said that the seals are exchanged for guide dog for blinds.
It is obvious that here – in Brazil-, in this land "full of palm trees where the thrush sings”, the chances of the blind be a fake blind and the guide dog ends up as a pet are enormous! But back to the rings ...
I continue my search on the internet and find that the problem is more serious than I thought: I see forming before my eyes a true web of intrigue and charges. Ray Parson, -Ontario- says that the fault lies in a well-know chair of fast food, which, they say, would be receiving rings donations to its charity. Suzanne Mills -Washington DC-, is quick to say that she saw (and touched!) in the box where the rings are placed. Rick Myers- Kansas City- demand: “students of the school work together in order to be provided millions of rings to hemodialysis sessions for the people in need and every effort was in vain”. Caroline Cromer, indignant, replied: "How in vain?”And she ensures that the whole family, friends and some neighbors did (yes, all of them!) sessions of Hemodialysis for free, thanks to the rings! (Do I understand it right? Did Ms. Cromer know what hemodialysis is?). Bob Hiebert, intellectual (?) New York, says he is disappointed with humanity. "At this moment when every effort should be towards to the recovery of a humanistic thought, our society is massacred by the rampant consumption of soft drinks in cans ...

"Enough! I can’t stand anymore! I Stop and think: "should I proceed? Will I be involved in something like "pay to get in and pray to get out”?
As my research in Internet brought me more questions than clarification, I decided to call an expert on the subject, perhaps he can provide some and valuable technical information about this little ring.

In my next post you will get his information.

To be continued…

Friday, September 3, 2010

Faith, hope and love

One day, FAITH, HOPE and LOVE left the world to help the afflicted. Which one would be able to do the best job for the glory of God?

At the roadside of life they’ve found a poor man who suffered from an illness that left him paralyzed from birth; a beggar trying to find a good soul to help him out.

Given that situation, the FAITH took the lead of HOPE and LOVE to settle the case. It said:

- Wait here, I’ll accomplish my work in that miserable life and I’ll take him out of that situation.

FAITH brought to man God's word and so it was reproduced in his heart. Immediately that man rebelled against this situation by using the FAITH which had in his heart to determine his healing and, when he prayed, got cured.

Finally stood up and jumped for joy. There was no need for being further along the road to beg and suffer such pain.

A few hours later, the man had nowhere to go; neither home nor work, to give him position to settle in life.

HOPE immediately felt it was its turn of working. It took him to the mountain and made him see the fertile fields of the earth. Thus, he was changing his heart and the man realized that he could thrive. Driven by the power of HOPE, he set his way. He got a job in a nearby farm, and quickly learned to cultivate the land. Soon he had gathered enough money to buy his own field. With FAITH and HOPE, new strength every day, and in a few years greatly expanded his business. His crops were exported by ship, reaching ports around the world. He had many employees and became the richest man on earth. FAITH and HOPE were satisfied with the wonderful work they had produced in the man’s life. Then they said to LOVE:

- "Don’t mind to accomplish your work. See, that together, we moved through this man's life, making him stronger and prosperous."So, LOVE set out to find someone else who you can help.

The man's empire expanded all over the place, so that the houses were so many that the man himself didn’t know them completely. He traveled the world and there was nothing that surprised him. But as time went by, the man grew bored and sad:

- "I have everything a man could want" he said, "but I still feel empty."

FAITH and HOPE gather to see what they could do to make him as strong as before.

He now didn’t need the miracle of healing or Hope to believe in the success of his future, because he was very rich.

Then the two ran in search of LOVE to help him.

LOVE returned with them and accomplished its work in the heart of the man. When he felt LOVE, he began to understand God and his finest work; there came the need to helping others with the same problems as his.

FAITH and HOPE understood that although their work has been of extraordinary magnitude ... over time, without LOVE, lost all sense.

FAITH is the basis ...HOPE remains ...but LOVE Never ends!


Title sounds strange ? Even, my reaction was weared when I met this person who has a motto he lives by everyday. He said " listen carefully and live by these 4 rules: Drink, Steal, Swear, & Lie."

I was shaking my head 'no', but he then told me to listen while he explained his four rules. So here they are:

1. "Drink" from the "everlasting cup" every day.

2. "Steal" a moment to help someone that is in worse shape than you are.

3. "Swear" that you will be a better person today than yesterday.

4. And last, but not least, when you "lie" down at night thank God you live in a country where you have religious freedom.

I am not as good as I should be, I am not as good as I could be. but THANK GOD I am better than I used to be !