For example, if we think of human beings, we know we're used to the daylight and the dark of night, some days are shorter than others, the temperature sometimes rises and sometimes falls etc ... "But if these factors change abruptly, we will have problems,” explains Torres.
The penguins mostly inhabit the Antarctic and other polar regions. However, there are species that live in the tropics, for example, on the island of Galapagos. Precisely those are species mostly at risk of extinction. Many fish cannot change the region and do not reach the areas inhabited by penguins, which eventually die of starvation.
Research shows that the species of the Galapagos Islands may be extinct within this century. The penguins that inhabit the African continent were also classified as endangered.
Global warming also contributes to the reduction of glaciers, a factor that hinders the very survival of the animals that inhabit the Polar Regions.
Another problem caused by human action is the oil spill on the craft, which infect and cause death to many animals.

In photos taken between 6th and 7thJuly by NASA’s scholars an area of approximately 4.3 square kilometers dropped overnight, causing the glacier receded about 1.6 km -equivalent to an average calculated for the last two years.
This event may be considered unusual because it happened in a string of hot summer, when the sea was not frozen in the bay nearby. This ocean warming is responsible for the observed melting in Greenland and Antarctica and caused by global warming.The ice melted between the 6th and 7th July went straight to the ocean, because the area was at the meeting of the glacier to the ocean. Sea level rises due to climate change, the beaches are disappearing.

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