When we started developing the website, we read the posts of Rosane regarding Environment & Manking in our orkut community. She reflects the things so nicely that it is understood very easily by all. So, an idea came to our mind to present her knowledge and innovation through blogs by attaching it to our website. In this way, we can help lots of people (that is the mission of our group).

When we sent her a mail discussing this idea, we got a reply in a day. You yourself read her views on writing the blog:

"The peace I have today is different from the peace I’ve dreamed one day.
Only with time, have I learned that peace is to take responsibilities and fulfill them; is to have serenity in the most difficult moments of life.
Today I want to hear and speak words that build. I want to have the courage to cry or to smile whenever I feel like doing it...
I want to accept with humbleness that I don’t know everything, but I want to share the little I know.
I like to remember that nature is so exuberant exactly because the differences it shows in its creatures. Each one of us is special, on Earth, and we have the mission that the Divine Creator has entrusted us.
I want to bring: peace, joy and much news."

Monday, August 30, 2010

Water powder

It is a substance absolutely unusual, but with potential to be almost as useful as it sister wetter.
The water powder or "dry water", could be used to absorb and store carbon dioxide (CO2), greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

Water powder uses:

- The bright dust, similar to sugar, also looks promising for a number of other uses. For example, in green chemistry, as a more environmentally friendly component to accelerate the chemical reactions used to manufacture many products.

- The manufacturing technique of water powder may also be used to package and transport hazardous industrial liquids that pollute the environment and cause major disruption when accidents happen with cars and trucks that transport them.

"There's nothing like it," said Ben Carter, University of Liverpool, England, as introducing water powder during the meeting of the American Society of Chemistry. "But we hope to see the dry water making big waves in the future."

What is dry water?

Carter explained that the substance is known as “dry water” because it consists of 95 % of water, and yet it is a dry powder.
Each particle of dust contains a drop of water surrounded by silica - silica, or silicon oxide is the main component of beach sand. The silica coating prevents water droplets to combine and re-form a liquid.
The result is a fine powder, with properties that make it capable of absorbing large quantities of gases which combine chemically with water molecules to form what chemists call a hydrate.

Strange as it may seem, water dry or water powder, is not something new. It was created in laboratory in 1968, but the difficulty of manufacture kept it confined to a scientific curiosity. In 2006, scientists at the University of Hull, also in the UK, decided to study its structure.

Since then, the group of Professor Andrew Cooper, of which Carter makes part, has been devoted to improving manufacturing techniques of dry water and find industrial uses for it.

Methane and green chemistry. 

One of the most promising uses involves the use of water as a dry material storage of gases, including carbon dioxide. In laboratory scale, the researchers found that the dry water absorbs more than three times more carbon dioxide than ordinary water with silica.
This ability to absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide in the form of a hydrate can make the powder of water handy to help reduce global warming, scientists suggest.
The water is also useful for dry storage of methane, a component of natural gas, which help expand its use as an energy source in the future. Scientists forecast the possibility of using the powder to collect and transport natural gas deposits economically viable.
This methane hydrate exists naturally in the deep ocean, in a form of frozen methane known as "ice that burns".
The water powder can also provide a safer and more convenient to store the methane for use as fuel in cars.
Scientists are now looking for business partners and academics to develop the technology of dry water, and finally make it to the market.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Natural Resources of the year have already been exhausted.

On Saturday (21) the inhabitants of Earth have exhausted all the resources that the planet offers within a year, rising living from the credits of the next year, according to calculations made by the NGO Global Footprint Network (GFN). 
According to the study, "it took nine months to exhaust the total of the year", in ecological terms.
The NSG periodically calculates the day that will exhaust the natural resources that the planet is able to provide for one year, consumed by humanity, including the supply of fresh water and raw materials.
For this year, the NGO provided the Earth Overshoot Day, or Day of the excess, on Saturday 21, meaning that in less than nine months which would deplete the ecological budget year, said the president of GFN, Mathis Wackernagel.

Last year, according to Mathis, the limit was reached on September 25, but is not that the waste has been different.
- This year we reviewed our own data - added Mathis. -We found that, until then, we had overestimated the productivity of forests and grasslands: exaggerate the earth's capacity to regenerate and absorb our excesses.
The NSG calculation is based on an equation of the provision of services and resources for nature and compares human consumption, and waste - pollution emissions such as CO ².
"In 1980, our carbon footprint was equivalent to the size of Earth. Today is 50% more, "insists the NGO.
- If you spend your annual budget in nine months, probably should be very worried. The situation is no less serious when it comes to our ecological budget - Mathis added yet. - Climate change, biodiversity loss, deforestation, lack of water and food are signs that we can not continue to consume our credit.
To reverse the trend, it is necessary that "the world's population begins to decrease consumption"

Thursday, August 26, 2010

"The helium gas is running out."

Exploring the Earth's natural resources allows mankind to achieve increasing levels of comfort. Given the
abundance of riches offered by nature, humanity always took advantage as if the dowry was inexhaustible.
Today we know that most of the natural resources of which humans depend on to maintain their standard of life can disappear in a relatively short time - and it is urgent to avoid waste.
Here's another example of mankind uses natural resources as they were inexhaustible.
"The helium gas is running out," says Nobel-winning physicist.

 Reserves would be exhausted in 25 years. Element is used in complex equipment and has no substitute!
In an interview with British magazine New Scientist, Robert Richardson, Nobel Prize winner for Physics in 1996 for his work with atoms of helium-3, said helium gas reserves are running out, and that the solution is to increase the price. "In 25 years we won’t have more helium gas," he said.
Helium is the second most abundant substance in the universe - 24% by mass of the Milky Way galaxy is formed by the element - but on Earth the only way to get it is through the exploration of rocks. The largest reserve in the world with one billion cubic meters, is located in the United States, and is controlled by the U.S. government, which maintains fixed gas prices.
The major problem of the end of the helium is not the end of the balloons at birthday parties. Magnetic resonance equipment, nuclear reactors and space telescopes use components that can only be cooled with liquid helium. How is the element with a lower boiling point, 267 ° C below zero, has no substitute. Nor is it possible to extract it from the air at affordable prices (Richardson speaks on values 10 000 times greater than today), or produce it artificially.
The solution, according to Richardson, is taking reservations from government and let prices follow the law of supply and demand. "Probably the party balloons will cost $ 100, not three dollars, but we'll have to live with that."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dealing with Injustice

Some years ago, in Africa, a group of inhabitants of a certain region was crossing a road when one was hit by a car and died. The driver fled into a run.
The survivors went in pursuit but could not reach it.

Returning to the scene of the accident, the bereaved group expressed their grief, their anger and frustration with loud cries and wild gesticulations. Instead of continuing the journey, began a vigil beside the body of their deceased partner.

Later that day, the guilty driver returned the same way. Recognizing his car, the mourners threw stones at the vehicle, and marksmanship. This time the criminal had to stop. The windshield was so shattered, that prevented the view of the road. The guards then started to smash the windows of the car. Luckily the driver managed to lock the doors; otherwise he would have been killed.

Who were the avengers? A bunch of baboons!
Although some may argue that the life of a baboon cannot be compared with the life of a human being, who can deny that - from the perspective of a baboon, at least - the runaway driver did not receive the punishment he deserved well?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The moon is shrinking.

Photographs taken by the probe LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) sen by American Space Agency (NASA) to investigate the satellite orbit, revealed that in the recent past - at least in astronomical terms - the circumference of the lunar surface contracted 100m. The discovery was reported by scientist Thomas Watters in an article published in the journal Science.The photographs revealed 14 new slopes lobules - small features that until now was believed to have been caused by tectonic faults - on the lunar surface. They are the youngest formations of the satellite and, according to Watters, probably are present throughout the Moon. Image analysis suggests that the scarps were formed during a period of contraction, less than a billion years (in terms of comparison, Earth has more than 4 billion years), when the moon froze and shrunk its size. Before the images taken by the LRO, the slopes had been identified by the cameras of Apollo 15, 16 and 17, which only managed to register 20% of the natural satellite’s surface. Because of the limitation, it was believed that the slopes were restricted to the region of the lunar equator. According to the article by Watters, but they are present throughout the Moon "Although many lobate scarps are found in the mountains, we saw that they are everywhere. Before, it was believed that they were just in the equatorial portion because of the pictures taken by the panoramic cameras of Apollo, "Watters told the Mail.The head of the LRO mission, Mark Robinson, is excited about the ability of the probe to capture images that reveal hitherto unknown aspects of the Moon "The images in high resolution are changing our view of the moon," said Robinson, who is also professor at the University Arizona and co-author of the research through the press office at NASA. "Not only detect scarps still unknown, but we get to see much more detail than we could of these configurations based only on pictures taken by the Apollo missions."

The moon! Source of inspiration for so many stories, it’s so romantic looking to the sky on a full moon and see it lit the night; also lovers of horror films that has the moon as a protagonist. What would the werewolf say knowing such news?

The fading moon is actually a scary vision in real life!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Global warming makes anniversary this month.

it completed 35 years, on august 8, 1975 was published the first scientific study that used the term "global warming". Authorship was wally Broecker, American Scientist recognized for his work on the relationship between oceans and climate changes. at that time the heating was not evident. Co2 levels encreased but for decades the temperatures decreased.

Broecker calculated that the concentrations of gas would rise from 296 to 403 ppm from 1900 to 2010, and linked it to encreased temperature. He saw the heat when the world cooled, since it considered the natural climate viriability that occurs from time to time. His etimates were somewhat higher than acctually hapenned. In some aspects, such as the role of other greenhouse gases and the concentration of heat in the seas, were not yet understood.

the global temperature also reached it record over the last decade. The National Climatic Data Center, NOAA recently released a new study that reinforces the climate crises. The survey takes into account indicators that didn't report that time in the IPCC. It says that six among eleven indicators are intensifying. They are:

Air temperature over land, sea surface, sea level, ocean heat, humidity and temperature in the troposphere.In contrast, the Artic sea ice, Glaciers, snow in northen hemisphere and temperature at the stratosphere are decreasing.

Global warming is undeniable.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

população indigina

How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of land? this idea is strange to us. If we don't won the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?
This is parte of a letter writen in 1845. But the chief outburst has an incredible today. Had we learned what chief Seatle showed what their ansestors already knew in the nineteenth century, would we've been passing through the problems of Global warming?
when he wrote this letter, addressed to the president of the United States, Frankilin Pierce, in 1845, chief Seatle of Duwamish tribe, never imagined it would become current untill the present day. One of the most beautifull and magnificent speeches in defence of the environment ever written. The letter was a response to offers made by president Frankilin to purchaise the land from Duwamish, offering in exchange a new reservetion. The Duwamish indians inhabitated the region where today the U.S. state Washington in the far northwest of the United States border with Canada , just above the states of Montana, Idaho and Oregon and was considered a paradise on Earth. The original letter is in "The University of Washington Special Colection".

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

White roof against global warming.

There are several benefits that a white roof can cause. Studies show that the use of roofs painted in white, could reduce global warming, since white reflects sunlight and absorbs less heat, contributing to the thermal balance in interior environments, reducing the use of fans and air conditioners.
The research concluded that for every 100 square feet of painted surfaces in white, there is a compensation of 10 t in the emission of carbon dioxide (CO ²), primarily responsible for global warming.
In comparison to the green roof, which requires more maintenance, the white roof is easy to use and requires little maintenance. The benefits are achieved mainly when using the right ink that can last up to 10 years, Just requiring sufficient maintenance to keep it clean. According to the study of LBNL (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), most urban areas is covered by ceilings or floors; if they were all painted in white color, the institution concluded there would be a compensation of 44 billion of all CO ² emitted.
How about doing a simple test? Wear a black shirt and get expose to the sun for a few minutes, then repeat the procedure with a white shirt and feel the difference.
Here arises a second question: can the reflected energy change the composition of the gases that make up the atmosphere?
If more energy is reflected, can the cycles of evaporation be accelerated? Clouds, etc.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Two pictures worth a thousand words ...

Do you know these images?
What to learn from the spill in the Gulf of Mexico?
Very similar, both images hold in common facts showing major environmental accidents, and have touched millions of people’ heart around the world. The first, in 1989, concerns the famous oil spill of the Exxon Valdez, Alaska. The second, published three weeks ago, shows a bird of Louisiana wrapped in oil leaked from the British Petroleum platform in the Gulf of Mexico. In the episode of the 1980s, 260 barrels of oil killed sea birds, otters, eagles, killer whales and billions of salmon eggs. In the latest case in American waters, the balance of harm to the ecosystem has not yet been closed. The episode teaches a few things for those who work with sustainability. It’s about time to invest in the transition of global energy production, today focusing on oil, to another cleaner. In a world predominantly powered by fossil fuels, this change will be in years, perhaps decades. But it must begin in now. One of the spokesmen of BP even said in an interview that the episode of the Gulf of Mexico has nothing to do with the discussion of sustainability, but with a technical failure and should be treated as an incident. I ask had it leaked bioetanol instead of oil, the environmental damage would be the same?
Besides its contributions to climate change by burning oil, its operation is rather an economic activity with high environmental risk. It remains for governments and societies to gauge the size of the risks to set up when, to what extension and in the name of what type of development, is this risk worth to be run.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

India's Independence Day

"At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new…India discovers herself again."

- Jawaharlal Nehru
(on Indian Independence Day, 1947)

As a child that was born, India is growing.

Trying being able to live alone, beating wings and flying...

This was what happened in this Earth’s land. It
grew, developed and Independence reached.
Years have passed since the day it took in its hands the fate of people who have lived there.
Freedom is a right of any people at all,
what I don’t understand is why for this freedom to happen
have these people suffered so much?and cried so much?


For your Freedom
I wish you all the Ventura and I wish you even more
May you develop into the heart, Hope
and in mind, Wellness!

Continuous to fight not with weapons in hand but with the spirit of creating

go ahead, India don’t stop in your path
, you have your freedom
you need your people, and you are a COUNTRY!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


We live in an increasingly complex society. We must change our conceptions, once it's very clear its reality extremes.
The richest and the poorest from our society degrade nature: The first ones, by crass consumerism and the second ones by the lack of human conditions of living.
the fascination for the abundance of goods that kilometrics malls exhibit, hides what it means in terms of power consumption, degradation of Nature, extractions of ores and non-renewable materials.
Only can the massive social injustice keep the poor masses away from the abundant conspicuous consumption of the rich ones.
In turn the poor destroy life by being forced to live under precarious condictions: Lack of sanitation, health care, education and others decent survival condictions. They live in unsuitable and dangerous places dealing with more deseases and even garbage.
A new mindset can not be conquered overnight; it's in small and constant acts that big differences are made.
I try to beleive that behind this world of appearences and differences, the hope is preserved.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Planting trees in stones!

To live is to planting. It is an attitude of constant seeding, dropping on the ground of our being the most diverse forms of seeds. And our ground sometimes is like stones. Each choice, however small, is a seed we launch on the bed we are. One day all that now we silently plant, or don’t plant in us, will be a plantation that will be seen from far away ... Today, at this time that is yours, the future is being planted. The choices you demand, the friends you grow, the readings you do, the values you embrace, the love you devote, everything will be decisive for the future harvest.
Happiness might be this: the joy of collecting from the land we are, the fruits that are pleasing to the eyes!
It’s time to sowing the seeds … It’s time to collect the fruit; all at the same time. A seed of yesterday, today’s fruits, seeds of today, tomorrow’s fruit!
So don’t lose sight of what you've been choosing to drop in your land.

Beware of seeders who don’t love you. They have the power to spoil the result of many things.

Beware of seeders you don’t know. There is much evil hidden in seductive smiles ...

Beware of those who drop anything on you, after all, you deserve much more than anything.

Beware of love affairs ... They often leave painful marks that don’t pass ...

Beware of the eyes of those who cannot love you ...They usually make you forget you're worth it.

Beware of gossipers around you... They tend to spoil your criterion of truth ...

Beware of the voices that insist in remind your faults ... They tend to impair your vision of yourself.
Don’t give up your hopes. There is still much to do, much to plant, and to love in this life.

Life is not over yet. And as the poet says “dreams don’t age ..."
Go ahead: Smile and be firm in decisions.
God decided to reform the world, and choose your heart to start the reform.This proves that he still believes in you. And if He does believe, who am I to doubt?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A dentist uses acupuncture to improve plant growth and cure their diseases.

He discovered that seedlings treated with the technique are lusher even without sun.
There is little difference between bonsai and humans. Oddly enough was the conclusion reached by the dentist Ogame Emilio Jacinto, president of the Vital Energy of Guarulhos, in São Paulo, Brazil, after conducting sections of acupuncture on plants for eight years.

"The needles are made of metal, excellent driver, and have the ability to focus a great amount of energy that can be applied to any living being," explains Ogame, lending terms of physics and chemistry to explain the principles of acupuncture.
A dozen small vessels live in two rooms of his office, between the dentist's chair and the two couches, where the victims of his needles lie. Between one and another session, Ogame takes time to caring for his bonsai, miniature pine trees, apple trees, golden trumpet and, true subjects of the dentist. The environment is the harshest. The vessels don’t receive direct sunlight or ventilation, as the glass windows point to the south and are invariably closed. Still, its parapets are adorned with beautiful plants showing the result of his experiences. To show its effects more property, the dedicated gardener cultivates two seedlings of the same species in a single vessel, stimulating only one with the famous trails. The other almost doesn’t develop and, occasionally, end up succumbing aside its colleague.
Everyone can repeat the process in your own garden. To the relief of the laity in acupuncture, the plants do not have the 1130 points of energy meridians that compose the human body. For doctors, every inch of the body or ears reverts to a different result, nevertheless there are only two ways to stick to plants:

"If we apply the needle on the outside of the stems, the tree will grow. Stings in the internal angles of the branches make it give flowers and fruits, "instructs Ogame.

He usually leaves the needles permanently stuck, and exchange them every month.
Very young plants receive smaller needles, used in facial acupuncture, and larger plants are treated with systemic needles used in the rest of the body. While patients in the flesh usually receive a set of 20 arrows at each session, one or two are sufficient for the treatment of plants. Now, when the plants don’t have a main trunk, but just fragile stems as in violets, Ogame recommended giving a momentary stimulus, dispensing with the permanence of metal heads for over a minute.

"In the country, it is common to give an ax on the trunks of the hoses so that the fruits are kept and the crowns are showier. Sometimes, we see nails stuck in large trees for decades. The principle of acupuncture is the same as I do." says Ogame, confessing how he found his inspiration.

Yang points of positive energy, responsible for the growth and formation of the crown predominating in extremes angles.
Yin points of negative energy, which account for the formation of flowers, fruits and seeds, predominating in interior angles.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

End of an adventure: British walk through the extension of the Amazon River ends.

British former soldier Ed Stafford, 34, completed on Monday (09) his objective to walk the 6800 km length of the Amazon River after nearly two and half years.

The time the adventurer took to become the first man to do the whole course of the river on foot, was exactly two years, four months and seven days.

"Mission accomplished… 28 months and we completed our journey through the Amazon. I’ve always knew it was possible," Stafford said yesterday.

Stafford began his journey 859 days ago, on April 2, 2008 in Camana in the Pacific coast of Peru, and completed his epic journey in today Marudá, Pará, on the shores of Atlantic Ocean.

As explained, he sought in part to "create an adventure so exciting that took people to Amazon, so you can see it, touch it, feel it and know it."

Armed with a laptop, satellite phone and video camera, Stafford recorded and counted all the experiences that went to thousands of Internet followers of his adventure, details of which will use to prepare a documentary to be produced by British broadcaster BBC. "

Stafford did most of the journey along with the Gadiel "Cho" Rivera, a Peruvian forester who initially agreed to accompany him for five days - when the British had already accumulated five months of walking - which turned into almost two years.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Packaging that turns into trees.

Paul Stamets, an American mycologist, invented 'The Life Box', a packing box cardboard, impregnated with a mixture of spores and seeds that may be planted to grow on trees. Just rip the box, plant it in the soil and sprinkle with water.
The Life Box
suite of products is based on the synergy of fungi, spores and seeds infuse together in packaging materials that can be planted. The Tree of Life is made of recycled paper fiber. In this fiber is inserted a great variety of tree seeds, sprinkled with spores of mycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhizal fungi protect and care for young seedlings. Fungi "flow" or germinate to form a bond with the cells of the root that extends to the ground with a web thin network of cells called mycelium. Mothers mycelium of nursery seed, provide water and nutrients, thus protecting the growing trees from disease, starving and drought.

The Life Box can be used in packaging of various products such as DVD / CD, shipping boxes and boxes of pizza.

check the video:

Monday, August 9, 2010

Extraordinary means: The beauty of life without disguises.

I keep wondering...How suffer those who represent all the time! The masks slowly take the shape of the face and it’s impossible to differ from what is natural to what is costume.
It seems easier to overcome the fears of not win by pointing the mistakes of others, than searching deep inside our own essence.

I myself can say that:

I’ve done things that didn’t want to, because I didn’t know how to say "no."
I’ve done things I wanted to do, but regret.
I’ve already haven’t done things that I wanted to, for fearing to hurting and
I've done what I didn’t want to, just to please someone.
But unfortunately, there's no way back.
We cannot bathe twice in the same waters of a river, because it changes constantly. Running towards its goal: The Sea.
So do we. 
But who are we? What do we have to teach or learn?
Our mistakes give a finishing touch to the painting that we try to be.
There is nothing unusual in being an ordinary person. Actually, in the ordinary is found the extraordinary.
It is life without disguises.
Friendships that are long-lasting are those that, without invasion, one likes to take care of the other. 
There are some friendships that are like fire fueled by alcohol: Burns quickly.
Truly friendships are like firewood. It has a totally different rhythm.
Everybody needs to be reinvented every day to avoid falling into the trap of sameness.

Life moves on... Always move on...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Where we have lost all celebrations of our life

Have you ever think what will happen If we did not wake up next morning! Each day we sleep and getup next day and how conveniently we take each day's rise for granted and than we feel everything around us is changing but nothing is changing in our lives!' Our celebrations died slowly with our age. Look at a child he celebrates everything, when you reached home he danced, when you give him small gift he celebrates but you… you have lost that festivity inside you. You always said that when you were a child, people celebrates festivals with more joy and enthusiasm but now people don’t celebrate festivals with that joy and happiness.
Look at the child of now they all are celebrating more than you enjoyed in your childhood. Let’s find out the reason why we have lost those celebrations from our soul.
When we were children, we needed help to learn and to understand things. It took us years to learn the small things like eating, bathing and cycling. That time everything was achievement for us and we celebrated that with full joy. Eventually we learnt to understand and could do all the understanding ourselves. But then somewhere we stopped to learning. And nothing else stopped, we still breathed, ate, woke up, and went to work. We forgot one most important thing about each day, we forgot to rise, learn and evolve. It is ours choice and we also have the choice not to make that choice. How many of us wake up every morning wanting to learn and evolve? We have all choices but we never think that in our life we may have thousands of moments which can give us unimaginable happiness. We can celebrate our life but forget to celebrate; it is really painful that we celebrate so little while we can so much.
When I reached at thirty of my age, I too feel that celebration of life has lost somewhere although all said that I am the real energetic guy. Suddenly something happened in my life and I learned that I forget to learn anything and I again started to learn. It was amazing when I feel again that happiness after finishing a new work.
I have completed my MCA at the age of 35 and after that I am floating with waves of ocean, learning new things and feeling myself more energetic, more enthusiastic.
Now I feel how much time of my life I wasted in negative thoughts and stupid things and in gossips. Do self inspection and feel the last time when you have felt the joy. You have the choice to make your life again with full of happiness and deep inside satisfaction.
Be honest with yourself, start learning to fly a kite and celebrate each day as a festival of colors.
Let’s became a baby again, let’s make a scream again, let’s laugh loudly again
Let’s think only positive and make everyone’s life more beautiful
Wish you lots of celebrations in your life

Project of planting more than 25000 trees.

"Crazy green is planting in the next days plants which have less demand in market such as: Neem, Gular, Pipal, bargad, tun, jamun, aam, shahtoot, pilkhan, imli and many trees; thanks to administration for having chosen us." Said Ajay.

Some others good reasons for you to plant trees:

Many nutrients from organic material (such as animal faeces) are absorbed by roots and transformed through photosynthesis into food for the entire plant. In turn, leaves, fruits, wood and roots serve as food for many living beings. The animals in turn, will defecate what they ate in the ground as long as leaves and fruits that did not serve for food will fall to the ground too, and the cycle begins again.

A layer of leaves that are formed under the trees serves as a cradle for the seeds, and to protect the soil from raindrops. Every drop of rain that falls directly into the soil, causes erosion that can be harmful in several cases:

In rivers: Erosion takes soil and sand to the river bottom, causing the river becomes shallower, with less capacity to store water, causing water shortages in the months of low rainfall, and the death of fish.

For the Soil: Erosion leaves the soil unprotected by taking away the seeds that could germinate and recover the natural vegetation.

For animals: Erosion can take away the nests of animals that are on the ground, and cover the nests of various other animals, killing the chicks that are inside them; having no vegetation and fruit to get feed, they will leave or starve.

For groundwater: The soils without vegetation don’t have roots and earthworms to make it smooth, damaging water absorption. Besides, as there are no barriers to water, it goes away quickly; not giving time for the rain water penetrates the soil. This way water tables dry up, thus ending many rivers and consequently ending our drinking water.
The tree canopy also protects the soil from direct rain, not to mention that its roots hold the soil firmly. The roots of trees that are on the borders of rivers appear sometimes in the river, looking lashes. Such roots also prevent erosion; serving as home to many animals.

A tree can transpire through its leaves up to 60 liters of water per day. This vapor mixes with the particles of air pollution, and when they accumulate in clouds falls as rain. Therefore, the trees also help in the withdrawal of air pollutants! Moreover, the steam helps to balance the region's climate. This is easily seen in parks and jungles that have its cooler climate.
Another point that we can see even in parks in the middle of big cities, is silence! The trees form a wall that prevents the spread of noise. Hedges are being widely used today to create environments more comfortable and quiet (and beautiful).