Recycled plastic can become Biosynthetic wood.
The product has characteristics similar to wood, but is more durable and resistant to moisture. Moreover, it can be an alternative to illegal logging of tons of trees in the world to meet the demand for wood. Some squares in Los Angeles have banks, toys, even fences made of plastic. But what looks like plastic is not. It is called Biosynthetic wood, made from recycled plastic.
Cheers for the plastic wood are many: moisture resistant, does not produce splinters, it is easy to clean, lasting life. In addition, it provides two great favors to nature, since it avoids the cutting of trees and gives a smart destination for what is discarded in the trash.
Gallon made by plastic gain new life in a factory in south of Los Angeles. They become furniture for garden and items for golf courses.
Now, if the United States is the largest manufacturer of wood plastic, it is because there are plenty of raw materials. Every year hundreds of billions of plastic bags are distributed in shops and supermarkets in North America.
It is comforting to know that this little exercise to separate the trash at home lessens the impact that the comforts and conveniences of modern life cause in the environment.
However, for other countries Biosynthetic wood it is still very expensive for using in some states, where there is not the manufacturing yet, cost is very high and includes transportation. But let's believe that soon there will be more market and more supply to lower the price of the product.
I like it. I have a dream that we will do everything which can help nature. and i have a beleive too that ours dream will take shape in future.