Sanwa Newtec, the Korean company, has created a powerful solution for companies that spend tons of paper per year: The Eco PrePeat can delete the printed texts from the papers. It doesn't use ink or tones and operates with a special paper made from recycled PET bottles, which is renewable.
the printer works with a system of controlled heat, which on contact with paper towels RW, darkens or lightens the surface.( yes, it only prints in black and white).
The printer head is like a needle heat, which is passing and making the paper. Documents that are no longer needed, can be erased and the leaf reused. A single page can be printed about a 1000 times. it seems like magic. Check at:
What about the price?
Yes, still very high prices!
You don't need a expensive printer to be more sustainable though. Simple solutions such as double - sided printing, reusing the pages that no longer serves as draft and considering before printing, helps to reduce the amount of garbage on the planet.
One way to be more economical ( and ecological) is to change the font of the letters. A 2009 studies showed that just by changing the times new roman and arial for century gotic, you spend 10% less toner.
A more radical solution comes from Ecofont, a Dutch company. it comes from a software that makes holes in the letters when you send a text to the printer. the economy is 25%.
Although the prices are still high, we mustn't forget that the first mainframe computers weighed tens of tons, filled huge rooms and consumed enough energy to light a small city.
the future of the print must lie along the lines of PrePeat, or it may take some other course.
Only time will tell.
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