The sea of Galilee or lake of Galilee is a large freshwater lake, the largest in Israel, with a maximum length of 20km and maximum width of about 10km. Jordan river, which comes from Mount Hermon and Cesarea Philippi, flows into Sea of Galilee and then goes through the Dead Sea.
The sea of Galilee is blue, full of life, calm waves and contrasts.On its banks, is reflected the delicately beautiful yellow flowers of its meadows.
The Dead Sea which is , actually, a lake, is the lowest body of water existing on Earth.With the level of its surface, not computed until 1837, as 396m bellow sea level. The lake receives a daily average of about 6 1/2 million tons of water from the Jordan River and other waterways.However, evaporation is so great that the lake level remains constant,increasing only 3 to 4.5 m above its normal level after rainy season. The level of water it receives is, nevertheless, slightly higher than evaporation and thus its level increases slightly.Therefore, the lake now is considerably larger than it was 2000 years ago.
The Dead Sea contains 28% salt, compared to 4-6% of ocean water. The natural salt deposits, as well as the absence of flow, are the source of their peculiar situation, not draining the water it receives, retaining all the minerals that arrive, and as salty as a human being or animal can never sink on it, hence the name "sea salt”.
The Lake of Galilee generously transmits what it receives. Its water, when get there, immediately flow to remedy part of the dry fields; quenches the thirst of men and animals.
It is selfless water.
The Dead sea is stagnant, asleep, it's salty. It kills.Its water is selfish, useless...
With us it happens the same. Those who lives generously, giving and offering themselves to others, these people live in peace.
People who selfishly, receive, hold and doesn't give, are like stagnant water, which causes death around them. So many of us behave like Dead Sea, only accumulating. They are able to build such a bitter, miserable and unhappy life!
Those who give and offer themselves generously and without expectation of reward.. these are the happiest people of the world.
It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Sharing less make us poorer.
Those who build only for themselves are desperately calling for unhappiness.
By sharing, It’s like opening the door to happiness.
Good analogical representation of the saying "It is more blessed to give than to receive." through the lake of Galilee and Dead Sea.